Images taken from the area of Paris, France, with a Takahashi FSQ-106 refractor (diaphragmed to 60mm), a Daystar H-alpha filter 0.5Å and a SBIG ST-10XE CCD camera.

The following image has been taken at 9:03 UT.  Celestrial north is up. Venus being situated between the Sun and us, on this image it seems larger than it actually is in comparison with our star; if it was situated at the same distance as the Sun, its disk would appear 3.5 times smaller than on the image!

At the beginning of the transit, a huge prominence of about 200,000 km was visible. One can discern the atmospheric arc (refraction of the solar light by the atmosphere of Venus) :


Animation of the last contacts; the real duration is 22 minutes and the movement is accelerated 80 times. Venus goes past the chromosphere and therefore is visible after the instant of the 4th contact that is given for the photosphere:


Animation of the complete solar disk during the transit (extract, 7 images). Click here (or on the image below) to display the original animation, more spectacular (26 images).